Thursday 31 March 2016

new place

Ala March 31

I got to go outside this morning. It was wet, but it was free. All that grassland stretched in front of me outside the back door of the house we were staying... but there was one problem. It smelled like dogs.

All that grass! I know it's just full of yummy delicious mice. But... dogs. Dogs might eat me. And there's still the smell of that cat around. We haven't seen it yet but we can smell it. We know a cat lives here.

It was great to know I could go out. So much better to have the grass that close, instead of being on a third-floor apartment. AND there are none of those huge noisy ravens here. Good.

Our Military Commander went out. She sussed the area for me. She doesn't even like mice, but... well. She's younger than me. It seemed safer to enjoy the grassland from inside the window, you know?

Mom March 31

We're house-sitting for a week before we head off. 

Ala wanted the door open, mostly so she could sniff. Didn't seem brave enough to spend much time out. Clearly wanted to go out more, but... careful.

I wonder if she knows we're only a mile and a half from where we used to live? It must smell similar, except there are no farm animals here.

We'll see how she goes as the week goes by. Hopefully she gets more comfortable, though there actually are cat-killing dogs who come here so she's likely right to be careful.
From this experience this morning, I have two ideas: 1. She might get more comfortable if we stay places a longer time. 2. She might be happier if we find places without dogs.

I can see #1 leading to a good plan for all of us. :)

Saturday 19 March 2016

It's been a long hard winter

It's been a long, hard, winter, filled with plenty of meditation and remedial snuggling with the Mom (she was surprised by the increase in the amount I've been snuggling her, but she seemed to need it. 

Anyway we are all glad to be getting outside again. I am looking forward to tasting French mice. I hope the accommodations she has found us -- this van named Gigi -- is nice and comfortable for us.

When a cat lives in an apartment, you know, it's really hard to hunt for fresh food! For entertainment I've had to make do with the occasional visits by rascally ravens and magpies on the deck, and listening to on the computer. It's been alright, but I'm fat and I'm stiff and I'm hungry for some good red meat! Let me at it.